Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Not quite a Hallmark moment!

I guess I have watched too many "Little House on the Prairie" shows! I have been looking forward to decorating for Christmas for days. I have pictured in my head hot apple cider, cookies, Christmas music, happy cute children and smiling adoring parents all decorating the tree in perfect harmony. I think we are even dressed nicely in the dream. Well, that is not how it unfolded for us! First of all S ran out of hot water while showering tonight which caused a rather loud ending to the shower (she was all soapy!). Then H was just too tired and excited to listen to ANYTHING! J broke at least one ornament because the one that couldn't listen did not know we were telling him not to put the ornaments on the floor in big piles! So Josiah proceeds to walk on them to get to the one he wants to play with. Daddy was not in the best of spirits by this time and I was completely tangled in garland, lights and ribbon that I was trying to get on the mantle. (I also had this dream of a beautifully decorated mantle...) So in the end we have a half decorated tree and mostly decorated mantle and three fairly happy children. We will get to finish the project over the next couple of days and that will make them happy. Maybe Thursday night I can manage the hot apple cider and cookies!


Anonymous said...

Angie!! As soon as I read your post about Little House on the Prairie moments, I KNEW I had to write you. I was the very same way only my dream was The Waltons. It never quite worked out like theirs did, but we made lots of wonderful memories anyway!! Hang in there and keep posting. Merry Christmas! Love, Becki

Anonymous said...

I sympathize with you! I had visions of happy children running through my head as we so happily decorated the Christmas tree together. Didn't happen! I did it all by myself in about 30 minutes. We've got to quit setting ourselves up for disappointment.

Anonymous said...

Ooops...that previous post was from me...forgot to sign it!